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Summary for grins@theoretical.why

  Mails Size Attachments
As sender 8 13k 0
As recipient
Total mails 8 13k 0

Mail from grins@theoretical.why

date from >> to size subject attach
2002-01-05 1k paw.theoretical.why:..
2002-01-06 2k paw.theoretical.why:..
2002-01-07 2k paw.theoretical.why:..
2002-01-08 1k paw.theoretical.why:..
2002-01-09 2k paw.theoretical.why:..
2002-01-10 2k Rozelle scuttled
2002-01-10 2k paw.theoretical.why:..
2002-01-11 2k paw.theoretical.why:..

Generated at Thu Jul 8 16:43:31 2004 by machine[ 1954 of 1954 records in 0:26]
$Id:,v 1.28 2004/05/04 12:58:13 user Exp $